Partner, Distributor & Reseller Search

Contact Us Now

Finding and successfully operating with a partner, distributor or reseller will have its challenges. Communication can be exhausting due to language barriers, and local business methods and culture can be difficult to adapt to. At Cosmo, we want to make sure that you get the full potential of trading in Turkey and will be happy to assist you with the following subjects:

  • Market Research.
  • Attending industry related exhibitions to present your products and to connect with potential candidates.
  • Prepare advertising campaigns and PR services.
  • Preparation of Company Presentation for candidates.
  • Visit suitable candidates to present your company, products and conditions.
  • Perform reference checks.
  • Create short list of candidates.
  • Coordination of final meetings and negotiations.
  • Adaptation of Distributor Agreement to Turkish laws and regulations.
  • Customs consulting and support.
  • Operational support.
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