Our Consultants

Cosmo Consulting works with a team of professionals who are experienced in their field of business. As a team, we seek to understand the needs of our customers and offer them a comprehensive solution. Regardless of our customers industry, our team is able to research and provide support for complete customer satisfaction.

Alper Gerdaneri

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Tax Advisory, Company Establishment, Book Keeping, Audit, Payroll Management

Erdal Aksu


Company Law, Residency and Work Permits for Foreigners, Intellectual Property Rights, Government and EU Incentives

Yunus Çelikbiz


Rental Contracts, Business Law, Real Estate Law, Licensing Agreements

Osman Takaoğlu

Electronics Engineer

Consultant for Listed Historical Building restoration project execution, legal procedures, legislation and administrative relations

A. Feyhan İnkaya Takaoğlu

Master in Architecture & Restoration Specialist 

Project plan preparation for Listed Historical Buildings and project execution consultant

Serap Özel

Permits, Incentives and Funding Consultant 

Consultant for Custom Tariff Incentives for Re-Export, Government Incentives, Tourism Premise Permit. Financial and Project Advisory for funds from EU, TUBİTAK and Horizon 2020

Ahmet Ayhan Sağlam

Construction Engineer

Insurance and Insurance Claims Consultant, Construction Control Supervisor, Legal Expert as a Construction Engineer

Tunacan Yazıcı

Public Relations and Advertising

Graphic Design, Exhibition Stand Design & Production, Space Design, Antique Furniture Restoration, Furniture Selection & Supply

Muhtar Pattabanoğlu

Design Management

Fit Out, Interior Design, Project Management, Space Design, Lighting Design.