Citizenship Consulting

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Turkish Citizenship Application Process

On 19.09.2018 The Turkish Government passed a law which defined six different options on how foreigners and their families can obtain Turkish Citizenship through investment. Foreign investor's spouse and children under the age of 18 are also eligible to apply for citizenship. Depending on which option is used, the application process must be followed up with different authorities and correct documentation must be presented.

Turkish Citizenship Application Methods

Within this scope, foreign investors can choose one of the options listed below.

    • Purchase real estate of at least 250.000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira.
    • The expertise value and the sales price of the property should match and be over USD 250.000. The research should be done before the purchase for smooth transaction.
    • Attachment of annotation at land registration not to sell this property for three years.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
    • Fixed capital investment of at least 500.000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
    • Establish and register a company at the local authorities.
    • Employ at least 50 employees.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.
    • Invest at least 500.000 US dollars or its equivalent in foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira at banks operating in Turkey.
    • Commit to hold the amount of deposits for three years.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.
    • Purchase public debt instruments of at least 500.000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira.
    • Commit to hold these instruments for three years.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
    • Purchase a real estate investment fund participation share or venture capital investment fund participation of at least 500.000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira.
    • Commit to hold these participation shares for three years.
    • Obtain certificate of conformity from the Capital Market Board.

Why You Should Work With Cosmo?

Depending on the method chosen to apply for Citizenship, Cosmo will assist you through the following procedures.

  1. Selection of the right property for purchase*: 
    • Search for property suitable for your needs.
    • Obtain expertise report.
    • Search for areas / property where capital gain is expected in the next 3 years.
    • Search for property with high rental income.
    • Guide through the Land Registry and Payment transfer procedures.
  2. Provide consultancy for fixed capital investment procedures. According to your business we can guide you through the start-up and investment process. **
  3. Establishing and registering a company at the local authorities. **
  4. Guide through the employment process and employee laws and regulations. **
  5. Selection of the Public Debt Instruments to invest in.
  6. Selection of real estate investment fund or venture capital investment fund to invest in.
  7. Apply, follow up procedures and obtain certificate of conformity from the relevant Ministry or Authority.
  8. Apply to Provincial Directorate of Migration Management for residence.
  9. Apply to Provincial Directorate of Population and Citizenship for residence.

Once the procedures are completed and the applications are approved by the Presidency of Turkey, then we can apply for the passport to be issued.

* Please check our Property for Citizenship services for detailed information.
** Please check our Business Consulting and Business Management services for detailed information.

Benefits of Turkish Passport & Citizenship Program 

  • Short application and qualification process.
  • No waiting for a residency period.
  • No need to declare your wealth.
  • Can travel to 140 countries without a visa.
  • Ease of  access to EU, 26 Schengen Zone Countries
  • Ownership of one of the top passports.
  • Benefit from medical care Pension Programs as the rest of the Turkish citizens.
  • Free medical assistance including all family members for life.
  • Provides free education in governmental institutes.
  • Voting rights
  • Dual citizenship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Which nationalities may apply for Turkish citizenship?

A: All nationalities may apply for Turkish citizenship by investment.

Q: Do I have to live in Turkey to obtain Citizenship?

A: No.

Q: I do not have time to come to Turkey, can I still apply for Turkish Citizenship?

A: Yes. You will need to send power of attorney to one of our authorized lawyers and we will follow the process until your application is approved and passport is issued.

Q: Can my family get Turkish Citizenship?

A: Yes. You, your wife (or husband) and your children who are under the age of 18 (on the application) may get citizenship.

Q: Do I have to buy one property above $250,000 or can I buy multiple properties?

A: You can buy either just one property or several properties which have a total value of $250,000 or more.

Q: Do I have to buy commercial or residential property to get Turkish Citizenship by investment?

A: Any type of property is acceptable.

Q: Can I deposit my money in any bank which is in Turkey?

A: Yes, you can choose any Turkish bank to deposit your money in Turkey. You can deposit your money in every "deposit banks" and "participation banks".

Q: Should I only deposit the amount as US Dollar?

A: No, you can deposit the amount as Turkish Lira or other currencies or precious metal which are determined as convertible by Turkish Central Bank. However, it has to be equivalent to 500.000 USD.

Q: Should the amount be transferred from abroad?

A: There is no difference between transferring money from abroad or declaring money that is already in Turkey. The point is that money should be eligible for international and national monitoring rules which are related to counter-terrorism and money laundering rules. Turkish banks are obligated to investigate money in case of any doubt about counter-terrorism and money laundering.

Q: Can I withdraw the amount whenever I demand?

A: The amount which deposited in a Turkish bank will be blocked for three years with applicant's request. However, this is not a blockade that makes the amount cannot be requested by the owner. As soon as the amount withdrawn by the owner or it is fallen away (under 500.000 USD), the bank will report the situation to the BRSA and the BRSA will immediately inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey for initiation the cancelling process for citizenship. If this occurred once, new attempts will not be considered as an ongoing time span.

Since the amount can be withdrawn by the applicant, there should not be any restriction on the deposit account such as a sequestration or any other legal limitations. If there occur any restriction, circumstance will be announced to Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Q: Can I earn interest on the amount which I deposited in a bank?

Yes, in terms of the agreement which is contracted with your bank, you can obtain the benefits such as interest of the deposit or dividend.

Q: Is there any requirement for an interview or test at any stage of the application process?

A: No.

Q: Will my citizenship automatically be granted when I fulfil the conditions?

A: No, the citizenship approval is contingent upon verification from archive records of national security units that the applicant poses no threat to national security.

Q: Is it possible to have dual nationality in Turkey?

A: Yes, Turkey allows dual nationality.

Q: Do I have to renounce my current citizenship when I become a Turkish citizen?

A: No. Turkish laws allow dual or multiple citizenships.

Q: Do I need to complete Turkish Military Service if I become a Turkish citizen?

A: Any child under 18 years old, will be obliged to do military service when they come of age. People with dual citizenship can choose in which country they want to do their military service. If you have already completed military service in your own country, you will need to prove it.

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