Real Estate Consulting

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Property Purchase and Legal Procedures

Every country has a different legal procedure when buying and selling property. Cosmo will assist you through the process of buying a property and all the legal procedures.

Commercial Location and Property Search

If you are expanding your business to Turkey, we will be happy to advise you about your next business location, whether it is an office, commercial unit, shop, store or facility.

Residential Location and Property Search

If you are moving to Turkey and want to buy or rent a property, we will be happy to advise you about your next residential location suitable for you and your family.

Property Investment Analysis

Before buying a property for investment purposes, a detailed analysis has to be conducted and costs must be calculated accurately. We can assist you through this process.

Refurbishment and Fit Out

If you need small alterations, renewals or a full scale restoration, Cosmo will manage and complete the project on time and within in the forecasted budget. We will make sure that your residence, office or commercial unit will be ready for you to move in.

Property Management and Tax Liabilities

If you own a property, finding tenants, keeping track of payments, maintenance and Income Tax liabilities can become demanding assignments. Cosmo can manage your property for you.

Property for Citizenship

Foreigners and their families can obtain Turkish Citizenship through real estate investment. Foreign investors who purchase a property worth of at least 250.000 US Dollars can apply for citizenship for their spouse and children under the age of 18.

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