Property Management and Tax Liabilities

Contact Us Now

If you own a property, whether you have a tenant or reside in it yourself, you may need assistance with managing the property. Keeping track of payments and maintenance can become demanding assignments. If you have rental income, you will be liable to pay Income Tax, which has to be submitted properly so that you do not to incur any penalties or penalized for tax fraud. We can assist you with the following subjects;

  • Find tenants.
  • Prepare rental contracts.
  • Handle maintenance.
  • Apply exit surveys.
  • Keep track of insurance policies.
  • Attend building management meetings.
  • Prepare and submit your income details and allowable expenses according to Tax Laws.

Keep track of all your payments including:

  • Contribution Fees
  • Service Charges
  • Council Tax
  • Property Tax
  • Income Tax

By using our Property Management Service, you do not have to be present to take care of these periodic tasks.

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