Market Research and Entry Strategy

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Before entering a new market it is essential to understand the official requirements, legal liabilities, operational procedures and market conditions, for the success of the business. Whether you are a service provider, trader or producer, market research can be executed on different levels according to your products, services and budget. As a result of the research you will have a better understanding of how to start your business, competition, pricing strategies and customer preferences, which will assist you to make more informed decisions about the company’s strategies, operations, and potential customer base.

At Cosmo, we aim to guide you through the Market Research and Market Entry phases of your business. We can provide assistance for the following procedures;

  • Research of official permits and certificates required for the execution of the business.
  • Price search of services or products intended to be provided to the market.
  • Search for competitors already active in the relevant industries.
  • Price research of competitors and equivalent services and products.
  • Operational requirements and procedures.
  • Primary Research (surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation, and field trials).
  • Company Establishment and Registration Services.
  • Initial Business Setup procedures and costs.
  • Office, Commercial Unit and Facility Setup procedures and costs.
  • Supplier Search.
  • Partner, Distributor & Reseller Search.
  • Due diligence.
  • Tax consulting.
  • Legal consulting.
  • Customs consulting.
  • Research for government incentives if available.
  • Employment regulations and costs.
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