Legal, Tax, Permits, Incentives and Customs Consulting

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Lawyer & Tax Auditor Selection:

Depending on the services you require in Turkey, use of professionals such as lawyers and tax auditors will ease the process of bureaucracy and keep you in compliance with local rules and regulations. To achieve the best possible outcome, we can provide solutions through our in house or third party consultants. We have a team of experts in the following areas;

  • Corporate Law & Tax
  • Citizenship, Residency and Work Permits for Foreigners
  • Private Equity and M&A
  • Real Estate
  • Litigation
  • Wealth Management
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Licensing Agreements
  • VAT
  • Audit

Consulting Services:

For your business objectives gathering information about and understanding legal liabilities, tax liabilities, government incentives, permits and customs procedures are vital. According to your area of business we can help you acquire information on the following subjects;

  • Check for any incentives available by government agencies. 
  • Acquire conditions and apply for incentives required by government agencies.
  • Consult with lawyers for any legal restrictions or exemptions.
  • Consult with tax officials for any restrictions or exemptions.
  • Consult with customs officials for restrictions and customs tariffs.
  • Check if any Permits required by government agencies.
  • Acquire conditions and apply for Permits required by government agencies.
  • Check if Investment Zones are suitable for your business.

Incentive Plans: 

The new investment incentives* system has been comprised of four different schemes. Local and foreign investors have equal access to:

  • General Investment Incentives Scheme
  • Regional Investment Incentives Scheme
  • Large-Scale Investment Incentives Scheme
  • Strategic Investment Incentives Scheme

* Please contact us for detailed information.

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